Mindfulness And Wellbeing

Individual Wellbeing

If you don't change direction, you'll end up where you're heading.
Wellbeing starts with your intention. A commitment to make change.
A regular Mindful practice can bring us to a greater awareness of self.
Awareness brings understanding and the opportunity for change.
We offer a range of services for individuals, either one-to-one or in group sessions.


Combining the key elements of MBSR and MBCT we offer a 4, 6 or 8 week Mindfulness Now programme.

You will learn the essential principles of the MBSR and MBCT programmes, including the main 7 attitudes of Mindfulness, breathwork, formal and informal meditations, how the brain is affected by regular mindful practice. All the exercises and techniques you will learn are designed to be incorporated easily and simply into your every day life.

All course material is provided.

Alternatively we can offer a 2 hour 'Introduction to Mindfulness' group session, please contact us for more information.

See below for details of course dates.

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

MBCT is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for the prevention of relapse in recurrent depression. It combines mindfulness techniques like meditation, breathing (mind and body awareness) with elements from cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) to help break the negative thought patterns that are characteristic of recurrent depression.

MBCT and MBSR are broadly similar, with MBCT including element to address recurring and intrusive thoughts and negative self-talk which can be common for people suffering from depression.

MBCT is recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for the prevention of relapse in recurrent depression.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

MBSR was created in 1979 by Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn and colleagues at The University of Massachusetts Medical Centre and has been shown to be very effective in helping manage the emotional, physical and cognitive effects of stress.

An MBSR programme typically runs over 8 weeks, although research has shown that just one session of Mindfulness starts to produce positive changes in the brain.

One-to-One sessions

Individual 1 hour sessions offer the opportunity to work on your mindful practice in a private setting. Sessions are offered in addition to group work.

One-to-One sessions cost £60 inc VAT 

Contact Me

Landline: 01732 525996

Mobile: 07753 729 083

Lets Connect

Email: lv.hunt10@gmail.com

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